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Designing  G7DS2 A Consulting Service 

Delivering decarbonization services to large firms and mobilizing finance for them, via investors committed to net-zero carbon. The business will target energy-intensive transport, manufacturing, power generation and digital transformation industries.


The emergent need of firms across the world is decarbonizing their business, in the face of the climate change crisis and commitment to run net-zero businesses and supply chains in the next decade. There is a large unfulfilled demand for consulting services decarbonization strategic planning, implementation, and green investments. These services would help organizations mitigate climate risks and grow with green investment.

"Accelerating Towards


Provide decarbonization services and mobilize net-zero investors for a safer and more resilient planet

Target industries:

Based on carbon-emission share; Energy-intensive transport (29%), power generation (25%), manufacturing (23%), digital transformation (2% but growing rapidly)


G7DS2 will be facilitate decarbonization across the value chain in select industries by advising and developing strategies for clients, helping mobilize green investment, facilitating process realignment and delivering meaningful results.

Business and 

The consulting firm operates in a niche market delivering decarbonization services to large firms and mobilizing finance for them, via investors committed to net-zero carbon. The business will target energy-intensive transport, manufacturing, power generation and digital transformation industries.

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Audit and Compliance

Audit and Compliance by Financial and integrated reporting that would clearly acknowledge climate change as a potential financial risk to the company.

Identifying Climate-Related Risks

 This would provide insight into measuring, managing, and disclosing. It would identify the climate-related risks and opportunities, what impacts related to climate risks Impacts of Climate-related risks can be monitored through conducting scenario analysis related to recognized climate scenarios by credible sources.

 Integrated Reporting

Governance of climate-related risk analysis that would ensure a form of monitoring to confirm that companies have accepted responsibility for overseeing its response to climate change and data regarding climate-related risks.

Start-up Arrangements

The consulting practice envisaged plans to strategically position itself in the decarbonization consulting services market. It aims to provide services of building strategy, advisory, and help clients for audit and compliance to become net-zero carbon producers. Founders would contribute about $150,000 each as seed capital to start and reach out to potential investors.


Four Phases Process: Identify, Connect, Explore, and Advise.

The primary method of marketing that will be used is solution selling, the identifies decarbonisation opportunities and solutions. This uses a mix of different marketing forms, including social media, blogs, events, search engine optimization.

Advertising and Promotion

Decarbonization solutions services program with the goal of pulling new businesses and promoting sustainable growth towards companies with reduced cost. Collaborate with the United Nations (UN), the new climate conversation map. Organizing conferences and participating in events supporting climate change. 

Pricing Strategy:

Clients would be billed as per industry standards for advisory services, based on progress against each engagement milestone and with a share of the volume of green investment mobilized.

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